With over 100m users and dramatic growth, Weixin is becoming a life style for Chinese like people here indulging in QQ. Tencent is not only looking at the big picture of Internet TV market by bringing you the iCE Screen, but also working on some tiny things which may make your digital life more easier.
ZHANG Xiaolong, the leader of Weixin team posted a photo on his Weixin account. It’s an earphones. Like Apple’s one, it comes with convenient buttons that let you adjust volume, control music and video playback and (possibly) even answer or end calls on your iPhone. The interesting bit is that it also has a PUSH button which allow you send Weixin voice message. So no need look at the screen when using Weixin, you can just use the Playback button to listen to coming message and hold the PUSH button to send out voice message.
Weixin team is based in Shenzhen where you may find tens of hardware manufacturers, so making a tiny gadget like that should not be a big deal. We are not sure yet how Tencent’s going to do with this earphones (a real product for sale or just a gift for fun?) and how much it costs. The thing is what Tencent’s doing on hardware and on Weixin is getting more and more interesting, isn’t?
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